Rebecca Walker - Postbac Researcher
Rebecca Walker
“Rebecca Walker is a current postbaccalaureate IRTA at the National Institutes of Health. Rebecca recently earned her B.S. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with Honors from Wake Forest University. As an undergraduate student Rebecca conducted research in the lab of Dr. David Ornelles at the Wake Forest School of Medicine. She was awarded a Wake Forest Research Fellowship to continue her research with Dr. Ornelles throughout the summer of 2020. Her research focused on understanding the intracellular localization of adenovirus capsid proteins. Rebecca was given the distinction of Honors upon the successful completion and defense of her Honors Thesis. As a senior in college, Rebecca was chosen by her major department to receive the Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Rebecca, with Dr. Pat Lord as her advisor, wrote a successful proposal for the Richter Scholarship Program. In order to connect her interests in both virology and global health, she sought to explore the relationship between dengue fever and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. Rebecca looks forward to continuing research as a member of the Quantitative Virology and Evolution Unit at NIH-NIAID.”